About Us
We have various members providing resources in 4 different citiesThe Fraser Valley Refugee Readiness Team (FV RRT) is a regional team covering the cities of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, and Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows.
Funded through the Provincial Government’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the FV RRT endeavors to assist the communities of the Fraser Valley by enhancing and coordinating community support at a regional level ensuring that our communities are ready to welcome, respond to the needs of, and leverage the strengths and contribution of Afghan refugees and displaced Ukrainians. The FV RRT is focused on four key areas: housing, healthcare, coordination of information, and employment.

The FV RRT will be working to connect with landlords to create access to available housing, and reduce barriers related to securing permanent housing such as requirements for Credit Checking, References, and Criminal Record Checks.
Connections will be made with various healthcare providers in order to alleviate challenges refugees encounter when trying to access these services. We acknowledge the challenges for newcomer refugees to access walk-in clinics and look/find a family doctor, and work to make these more accessible.
Coordination of Information
The FV RRT will be working to synthesize the information for refugees and displaced Ukrainians so that available resources in the community are easy to access.
As so many newcomers are looking for jobs, we will connect with employment programs across the region to discuss improvements and best practices and connect newcomer single mothers with programs available to them.
Our Members
Abbotsford RTT Members:
Archway Community Services
- Kim Reddicopp – FV RRT Refugee Integration Liaison
- Mary Ahmadi – Afghan Settlement Worker
- Latifa Azad – Resettlement Worker
Abbotsford Local Immigration Partnership
- Muhi Bakini – Archway Diversity Education & Abbotsford LIP Supervisor
- Amy van Bergen – ALIP Community Coordinator, Archway Diversity Education
Abbotsford School District
- Kanta Naik – Settlement Worker in School
Inasmuch Community Society
- Tammy Johnson – Community Engagement & Housing Manager
Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce
- Jessica Levesque – Business Engagement Manager
Mission RRT Members:
City of Mission
Mission Community Services
- Pardeep Kaler – Settlement Services Program Coordinator

Chilliwack RTT Members:
Chilliwack Community Services
- Michelle Price – Immigrant Services Supervisor
- Lana Deruyter – Settlement Services Coordinator
Chilliwack Local Immigration Partnership
- Jaclyn Willems – LIP Special Programs Coordinator

Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows RTT Members:
City of Pitt Meadows
- Bob Meachen – City Councillor
The Family Education and Support Centre
- Carolina Echeverri – Local Immigration Partnership Coordinator

Regional RRT members:
Fraser Health
- Matthew Brown – Community Health Specialist
Mennonite Central Committee BC (Sponsorship Agreement Holder)
- Jennifer Mpungu – Migration and Resettlement Program Coordinator

“We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs”